What Will I Sing

Your lessons will be designed to be fun for you, to help achieve this we will discuss together what type of music and particular songs that you like and the majority of the time we will be working on you singing those. There will be an odd time when you will be given other songs, these are always for a reason and will be to help with a particular technique that you are trying to learn.

Are Gift Vouchers Available

yes, lessons can be bought in advance in blocks. For further details please contact us

Do You Teach Children

Yes, we teach children from the age of 6 upwards. When young children have there first lesson, parents will be asked to sit in on the first lesson to make the child feel more comfortable and also so that you as a parent understand what the lessons will be about and what structure they will take, after that if you wish to sit in on further lessons than you are most welcome. At the end of the day we want the student/child to be happy and have fun.

Do You Teach Mature Students

Yes, we teach all ages from 6 through to mature students of any age.

I Need To Cancel A Lesson

If for any reason you need to cancel an arranged singing lesson then that is no problem, however please be advised that we do run a 48 hour cancellation policy. If you cancel a lesson with less than 48 hours notice then that lesson will be charged for in full.

Can I Learn To Sing From Online Resources

Many skills can be learnt from different places all over the internet, however you do not get that one to one with someone actually listening to you. For you to learn how to sing better you need someone who will point out your strengths and weaknesses and then help you to address those areas that need working on to help you reach your full potential.

Will My Vocal Range Get Bigger

Without doubt, with regular lessons you will increase your vocal range both in the lower and upper registers

Do You Enter For Singing Grades

Yes, If you wish to go down the grading route then all singing examinations will be done through the London College of Music

(L.C.M) We teach grades 1 through to grade 8 and then on to Diploma level.

Do I Have To Take Singing Exams